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Big platforms like Classpass, Urban Sports, and Wellhub claim to boost your reach and fill your classes. But have you ever asked the clubs or coaches how they feel about it?

Sure, these platforms bring people through the door. But are those people truly connecting with your community—or are they just passing through? And then there’s the financial side—30% to 50% of your earnings. For many clubs, it’s a tough price to pay for something that doesn’t always lead to long-term growth.

At LINMO, we’re building something different. Our mission is to create a balanced ecosystem where users, clubs, and communities thrive together. We not only help grow your community and reach more people, but we also provide tools to engage and connect with your members—automation to keep your group informed about new events and classes, ways to share photos and reviews, and features that strengthen bonds within your community.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about filling spots. It’s about building relationships, fostering engagement, and creating lasting impact through sports.

If that resonates with you, let’s talk. Together, we can make sustainable growth the new standard.

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